Clean Water Resources

This page will contain resources used to provide clean water.   Send resource ideas HERE. 


PUR - point of use water purfier.  Great product!

Playpumps International - Constructs the coolest “play pumps” near school and areas where children play.  The merry-go-round is a giant pump that pumps water from a deep water well into a large water storage tank.  Check it out.       


Water Missions International - A nonprofit, Christian engineering organization based in South Carolina which serves water and sanitation needs of people in developing countries and disaster areas.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - The Foundation works with a wide range of partners to invest in effective sanitation approaches that will contribute to a world where children and families lead healthier, more productive lives.  It invests in approaches that help end open defecation and unsafe sanitation in rural communities and helps develop the tools and technology that will allow the urban poor access to sustainable non-piped sanitation.

Water for People - Water For People helps people in developing countries improve quality of life by supporting the development of locally sustainable drinking water resources, sanitation facilities, and hygiene education programs.